I also do funerals and bar mitzvahs
Yes, everyone it is true. I am a certified ordained minister. I actually performed a wedding last week. Well, if performed means that I signed the marriage certificate, then I performed a wedding last week for our neighbors. Here is the church that I am a minister of: http://www.spiritualhumanism.org/
It is religion based on reason, which I see is perfect for the bloggers that use logic on a regular basis. Here is a little snippet from the website and why this religion is so great:
>>We can solve the problems of society using a religion based on reason.
We cannot abandon ancient traditions and practices but we can adapt them to our new understanding of the universe. Religion must be able to adapt to new knowledge about the universe without rejecting the deep spiritual connections to human history and the natural world that we are a part of.
All humans have an inalienable right and duty to practice their own religious traditions. Spiritual Humanism allows everyone to fuse their individual religious practices onto the foundation of scientific humanist inquiry. We accept people from any religious background and recognize the validity of all peaceful religious practices and behaviors as being helpful and necessary in developing the spiritual nature of humanity.<<
That sounds logical to me. Anyway, if anyone has a REASON to get married or get baptized or confirmed, give me a call and Minister Mike can be there in a flash!!!
Oh, and for those of you who have complained of my logic hiatus. If you used reason, you would know that I was too busy to post anything to the blog, but the logic will be back in force in the next few days as I explore stupid human tricks and dealing with the local municipality where logic is a four-letter word.
I would think that a truly logical mind would be able to have more free time to do logical things.
Unfortunately, logic does not pay well enough to feed my family. Hence, I must work for a living and not depend on my logic blog for support.
Yes we need you to make money to replace the things that Child destoys - such as our carpet. However I can contribute my big earnings today of $25.00 toward the new carpet fund.
methinks thou art without logic.
Did you try to become ordained in the church of the FSM? (www.venganza.org) Your wife directed me to that site.
Do you also do the bris?
I like to stay away from knives combined with small children, so there is your answer.
Is it possible for a man of logic to also be a man of faith?
I have faith in my logic, and logic in my faith.
Little Mary had a lamb, her fleece was full of snow. What's the logic behind that?
What kind of a whacko question is that?
Fatith - A word one use when they can't explane things they believe and/or do.
Logic - No one can be completely logical that's why they come up with the word faith.
I've faith that you know I mean, even though I miss spelled faith. LOL.FOL&SOL
I love Bush.
Post or perish!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, anonymous needs to scram. NOW.
M e o w M e o w M e o w
If you write it, they will come. However, they will come even if you don't write... at least for a while. Where are your postings?
"I also do funerals and bar mitzvahs", but not blogs.
Walk toward the blog.
You can't come with 10 stinkin' minutes to write something?
get bizzy wit it and wright sumthing cool.
hit the road.
jack....and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more. Hit the road.......
*dances* i love that song...
anyway, seriously LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK. plus, DONT leave comments on my blog, you arent wanted
obviously, you have made sense of it all and don't plan on posting again. Please help the little people make sense of it all. Come back to us.
how about you GO AWAY or you find it in your heart to get an IDENTITY and kindly let us know who you are, hmm?
It looks like the anonymous poster might be Mike's wife or infant daughter since that person said "You can't come with 10 stinkin' minutes to write something? " The person didn't say "GO HOME", but "COME HOME"
oh yes? sure you arent covering for yourself?
What came first -- the blogspot or the blogger? We need logic mike to guide us..........
i would guess that the creater of blogger was first, wouldn't you? genius?
Query me this -- How many bloggers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
well, if YOU were screwing in one you'd definitely need help at some point
It takes a village to raise a blogger.
shut your anonymous face
ooooo really original wouldn't you like to know who this is
who let the cats out
can you spell i-d-i-o-t?
No, actualy. So, thanc ewe fer spelling it fer me.
Where is the logic in creating a logic blog and then abandoning it?
perhaps he's tired of you. i certainly am.
You arnt tired of us you keep responding to us
well, thats because we both have too much time on our hands, gollum. how's frodo doing?
what nonsense are you talking about this time, you fool?
what nonsense you are talking about time this, fool you?
now you're just desperate.
now I'm just desperate.
You are boring.
R. I. P.
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